Here are some ideas for your physical fitness activity
If you are building up your physical fitness, commit to:
– walk, non-stop for 90mins or more
– run/walk around your block 20 times
– complete 25 push-ups and sit-ups every day for one week
– what else can you think of?
If you have a higher level of physical fitness:
– run 25 miles – in a single day or over a few days
– run 5 miles each day for one week
– complete 300 push-ups and sit-ups each day for a week
– think of an activity that intimidates you and commit to it!
If you want to form a team:
– as a relay team, complete 50 miles in a single day
– as a relay team complete a set of different exercises that pushes your limits
– whatever else you can think of!
Here is a sure-fire idea to help you commit and actually complete your challenge. Recruit someone to do it with you. It can be a family member, friend, colleague, neighbor, and/or gym buddy. Use the power of having a partner!
Make the decision NOW and sign-up!! Once you have completed the registration, you will be directed to where you can complete your first giving!!
© 2023 Oligye Enterprises | Colin C. Thompson |